Submittal FAQ

We'd love to share your collection or knowledge of Brush-McCoy with other members! That is what this site is all about! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers, plus information on where to send your text and images.

Who Can Submit?

You must be a registered user of to submit your pictures.

What Can I Send?

You can send text and/or images for publication on
The text can be as detailed or as brief as you like. We will edit your text or use applicable portions to suit the needs of
Images should be attached to the email. They should ideally be in .jpg format, and be at least 640 pixels in width. If you are in doubt of the file size of your pictures, send them anyway. We can help you make corrections or resize them for you.
The email address for submissions is

Can I use scanned pictures from books and magazines?

We cannot post scanned pictures from books or magazines, or images from the Internet that are under Copyright. If you don’t own the pictures, please don’t send them.
Also, your own pictures and/or text must not be subject to Copyright by any other parties (if you have been paid for your words and text by another publisher or website).

Can I use my Article and/or Pictures elsewhere on the Internet or in magazines after it has been submitted to does not "own" your article or pictures. You are simply giving us permission to publish your words and pictures on, or future related websites and media (for example, your words and pictures may be included on a newsletter some time in the future). However, once submitted to the site, the submitted pictures will become part of the site and may not be used by others. The original pictures you have taken, still belong to you and may be used however you would like. Please be aware that once you give us permission to use your submittal, the permission cannot be revoked if you later change your mind.

How does select what articles and pictures to include in the web site?

The content submitted to will be considered for publication in consideration of the following factors:
  • Likely interest to members
  • Unique aspects of the subject
  • Quality of photography
  • The subject matter

According to these criteria, not all submissions to will be selected for publication. Quality matters! We reserve the right to reject your submittal because of poor quality, redundancy, piracy, etc.

Will I be informed if my submission is selected?

No. The best way to see if your submission has been used is to browse the site and see for yourself.

Does pay for content? does not pay for submission of pictures or text. If you feel you have a collection that is very significant and would like to discuss options for submitting a large quantity of pictures or if you need help with photography, email and we will figure out a way to work through it. We may be willing to make arrangements to photograph your collection at our expense, depending on the extent of the collection and other extraneous factors. Contact us…we are here to help!

Where do I send my words and pictures?

Please send your digital pictures as an email attachment to: Please note: many email servers will not handle large amounts of data to be sent in one email. If your email is rejected, it is probably because your file size was too large. Try to limit each email message to around 5 attached pictures. If you have software to zip” or compress your attachment, you can send more pictures at once, however, this is not required. If you don’t have a digital camera and need to send pictures in the mail, email us for details.

Will I be credited for the pictures or articles I submit?

We will credit you for contributing content on the Bibliography / Contributors Page, if you would like us to, or if you would prefer, you can remain completely anonymous. Please let us know your preference in the email you send with your submittal.

Can I borrow pictures from the web site to use somewhere else?

No, pictures and text submitted to this web site become the property of, which is a copywrited publication. You may not borrow or use content of any kind from the site without permission from the Webmaster. This includes any use, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Personal use at home or office
  • Use on another web site or publication
  • Content for online auctions or stores
  • This includes digital or printed materials

If I can’t use the images and text in, how can I show others what I have seen?

You can encourage them to visit the site and encourage them to become a member. You can post a hyperlink such as so people can click and come here. If you have a web site, you are welcome to provide a link to this site from yours. We have a graphic banner available if you would like to post it as a clickable link on your site - Email for details.

What’s in it for me?

This is the great part of The sole purpose of this site is to become a comprehensive online guide. The only way this can happen is by member participation. We are counting on you to help make this Guide complete. If you submit, your membership fëë will be waived! If you have already paid for membership, your fëë will be refunded when you submit. This is our way of saying thank you” for being a part of this community!

So what if I decide to pay the membership fëë now and want submit pictures later?

No Problem, we will refund your membership fëë after you submit your pictures or other content - at any time. Remember, our goal is to make the site grow so it will be more valuable as a research tool in the future. Please be aware, the more people who submit pictures, the harder it will be for you to submit pictures that are original to the site, so it is best done sooner than later.

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